▪️Staking process on a VPS

Staking on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) is similar to staking on a desktop wallet, but instead of running the staking process on your local computer, it runs on a remote server.

How to stake on a VPS

In this guide, we are going to explain how to stake on a VPS server.

This guide is for advanced users and assumes that you know how to safely use an Ubuntu server.

We assume that you will run all the commands as root user.

First, we need to connect to our server via SSH and download the wallet we want to install, from our official links on GitHub.

In this case, we have chosen KYAN.

The wallet links can be found at https://github.com/kyancoin/KYAN/releases

We choose the Linux version and copy the link.

To download the wallet we use wget command.

wget https://github.com/kyancoin/KYAN/releases/download/v1.0.0.1/KYAN-

Now we copy the KYAN executables in /usr/local/bin folder to make them available as system command

cp kyanite* /usr/local/bin/

Let’s start the KYAN daemon and encrypt the wallet.

kyanited -daemon

kyanite-cli encryptwallet “YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE”

We can now create a system service to make sure our wallet will always run. nano /etc/systemd/system/kyanite.service

This command will open nano text editor where we paste the following.


Description=KYAN service








ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/kyanited -conf=/root/.kyanite/kyanite.conf -datadir=/root/.kyanite

ExecStop=-/usr/local/bin/kyanite-cli -conf=/root/.kyanite/kyanite.conf -datadir=/root/.kyanite stop



We can now exit nano and save (ctrl+x, y, enter).

To apply the change we run this command systemctl daemon-reload

Now we need to setup the kyanite.conf file, we use nano again

nano /root/.kyanite/kyanite.conf

Paste the following lines in it:

daemon=1 server=1 rpcuser=kyanite rpcpassword=YOUR-RPC-PASS rpcallowip=


Save and exit nano.

The configuration is now complete and we can start the kyanite service and generate a new address.

systemctl start kyanite.service

kyanite-cli getnewaddress

While we wait for the wallet synchronisation we can transfer our funds to the address we just generated.

As the last step we need to unlock our wallet for staking. kyanite-cli walletpassphrase “YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE” 99999999999999 true

N.B. Coins need 600 network confirmations to start staking

You can verify staking status using the command below

kyanite-cli getstakingstatus

All the fields must return “true”

It is highly recommended to delete terminal history when we enter sensitive information like wallet passwords. It can be done simply using history -c command.

Last updated

#230: New KYC process 2

Change request updated