▪️How to Deploy Masternodes in the Flits Wallet App

This guide takes you through the process of setting up a masternode inside the Flits Wallet App

Step 1

  • Select 'Wallets' while on the home page

  • Next, we choose FLS because that's the coin we want to deploy a masternode for.

Step 2

  • On the 'Overview' tab in the FLS wallet, select 'Nodes' as shown in the image below:

Step 3

  • Click on 'New node' to start the setup process

Step 4

  • While on the setup page, click on 'Start your masternode'

Step 5

  • Specify the number of masternodes you would like to deploy. This also depends on your available balance.

  • Next, click on 'Deploy masternodes'

Step 6

  • If everything goes well, you will be sent to the confirmation page, indicating your nodes are being installed.

Step 7

  • Go back to the 'Masternodes' tab, and you will find your masternode and its initial status.

  • After about 30 minutes, the status of your masternode should change to 'Enabled' as seen in the image below:

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