Running Flits Wallet App on Windows and MacOS - Bluestacks
This guide provides details on how to download the Bluestacks software and install the Flits Wallet App
Last updated
This guide provides details on how to download the Bluestacks software and install the Flits Wallet App
Last updated
To begin, we will need to download and save the Flit Wallet App APK file from onto our PC
Next, we also need to download and install the BlueStacks version 4
For macOS users, you will proceed to download the appropriate version for your computer.
However, Windows users must check if Virtualization is enabled on their Windows computer. This will determine the specific version 4 they need to download.
We do this by opening Task Manager using ctrl + alt + delete
keys. Switch to 'Performance' and under CPU, you will find the status as indicated in the image below:
If Virtualization is enabled, you may download the 'Nougat 64-bit' version. Otherwise, you can turn it on if your PC supports virtualization. How to Enable Virtualization on Windows
On the other hand, you will need to download and install the 'Nougat 32-bit' version if your PC does not support virtualization.
Open BlueStacks after installing. You then be asked to sign into your Google account. Skip this step by clicking the 'I'll do it later' button
While on the homepage, select the 'APK icon' on the far right of the screen. This will open a pop-up for you to choose an APK file to install.
Select and open the Flits Wallet App APK file we downloaded in step 1
After you click on open, the installation process will start. You will receive an alert in the form of a sound from your PC indicating the installation was successful.
Switch to the 'My games' tab and select Flits to launch the app
After a few seconds, the Flits Wallet App will open for you to start exploring
Once you finally have the Flits Wallet App installed on your PC, you may either recover an existing wallet or create a new wallet